On Magic In The Mundane & The (Not So) Happy Holidays

I think we can collectively agree that 2020 has been a helluva year. And so, I’ve decided to mostly ignore-ish the traditional Holiday season.

This will be the first year we celebrate without Mama Shelley and my nephew Little Bobby, but it’ll also be our first year as residents of Montclair, which we want to honor. In acknowledging the season a teeny bit, we’ll allow ourselves some peeks of happiness and a look forward. So though it won’t be the same as it’s been, we did add a few thangs that feel a little bit festive.

This wreath, custom made by one of my favorite local floral designers (hey Anne!), is bringing me all the holiday spirit that I need. It’s got pink details & glitter balls woven throughout and really, that’s all I need to be happy. Dear God, I sure as fuck hope no one steals wreaths around here because this one is extra FABULOUS and is basically left right outside for the taking. Please. Don’t. Take. Our. Wreath. We. Have. A. Ring. Video. Doorbell. And. We. Will. Catch. You. And. Shame. You. By. Sharing. It. With. The. Entire. Neighborhood. That is all.

One of my best girlfriends sent me a prism for my office window and I have to admit, the magical rainbows in brings to the room when the sun shines through the windows really is kind of dreamy. I’ve since bought two more. I never did know when enough was enough. Plus there’s never too many rainbows, right?!

And of course, ornaments. 2020 needs it own special assortment of ornaments. The obligatory dumpster fire (in Pink enamel!), a masked gingerbread person and this miniature face mask printed with Black Lives Matter. (All can be found from different sellers on Etsy.) These ornaments hang on hooks above our fireplace in lieu of stockings this year. And honestly, hanging acrylic stockings over a fireplace seems like a bad idea anyway (ya know, catching on fire and shit) so I’d say this is simply the smart choice for the holiday festivities, anyway.

I know that this year hasn’t been as rough for everyone and I certainly don’t expect the world to stop spinning. I want folks to be happy, to experience joy and magic and winter. I believe deeply in magic, always have and always will, I hope.

But. And.

Though I’ll soak in those tiny magical mundane moments (#microjoys) like surprise rainbows on the wall and glitter wreath goodness; I’m not feeling continually joyous right now. And I know that I need this time to grieve, feel and allow whatever comes up to wash over me. And so that, friends, is what I will do.

And still, I’m wishing you all the happiest of festivities with a lot of pink glittery shit and all the bubbly (both alcoholic and not!) that life can offer. You deserve it. And the world needs a whole lot more of the good stuff right now.

Truly. Deeply.

With love and wisdom from Montclair. xx

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Truly. xx Cyndie


The Privilege of Being Light Skinned & Biracial Black In America


On Microjoys, Loss and A Sunset Yellow Wall